Today I would like to look at what I believe.
First, let me take a look at the leaders of some of the other faiths that are out there:
The Prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam: Born in the Arabic city of Mecca in 570 AD. At the age of 40, he received a revelation. Teaching this revelation, his followers believed that it was through the works of service performed for God that one might achieve salvation (and with it, entry into paradise upon your death). Muhammad's teachings are the basis of the Qur'an, Islam's scriptures. On June 8, 632 AD, Muhammad died in the city of Medina, and is buried there.
Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha (in Sanskrit, “The Awakened One”): Gautama was born, according to the most commonly accepted references, in 563 BC in the town of Lumbini. He was raised in Kapilavastu, both of which are in present day Nepal. Depending upon who's information you read, Gautama's family was either nobility or was aristocratic. Either way, his father did not wish for his son to see the reality of how harsh the world was, and so forbade his son to ever leave their estate. Unbeknownst to his father, Gautama had secretly been taking trips out into the towns and countryside. It was during those journeys that he learned exactly what his father had tried to hide from him. That there is suffering and pain in the world. Leaving his father's home, Gautama set out on a pilgrimage to find a means to end suffering in life. Following the teachings of several sects of his day however, Gautama never found the answer that he sought. Finally, he found his enlightenment in what is now known as the Eight Fold Path. Through eight disciplines, each achieved in succession, one was supposed to find a means to become “one” with all of life, and in so doing find an end to suffering. After years traveling throughout the northern Indian continent, Gautama died at the age of 80 (483 BC) in Kushinagar, India.
The faith of Hinduism does not really have a religious founder per se', but is a belief system with many forms. One of the tenets of Hinduism is the concept known as Karma. In a nutshell, Karma teaches that the amount of good works (or bad works) you do in this life determines what your life will be like in the next life. That when your body dies, your essence is reborn to live another life. If you've lived a good life, your next life will be a better one. IE: If you are a poor man, but live a good life, you might be reincarnated as a rich man, or at least a not-so-poor one. If you are a poor man, and live a bad life, you could well be reincarnated as an animal... or a rock.
All of these faiths rely on the works that you do in order to achieve salvation/paradise/Nirvana. What else did these leaders all have in common? They died. You can go to their tomb and see that their remains are still there. But there is one tomb that you can go to that is empty! In Matthew's Gospel we read that on the third day after Jesus was crucified, the two Marys went to the tomb. When they arrived, the stone had been rolled away from the tomb. Lets look at what it says in Matthew 28:5-10:
(5)The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. (6) He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. (7) Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."
(8) So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. (9) Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. (10) Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."
(New International Version)
If you've seen the motion picture The Passion of the Christ directed by actor Mel Gibson, you will likely have be repulsed by the brutality with which Jesus was beaten prior to his execution. You will see the excruciating pain which he endured, all the way to having a spear thrust up into his side to assure his death. There is no doubt about the fact that Jesus did die from the injuries inflicted upon him by the Roman soldiers. And yet … Jesus' tomb is empty!
All four of the Gospel accounts tell us that Jesus proclaimed time and again that it is through faith in Him that we might be saved. Not from how many prayers we pray, not from the amount of good works we might do in our lives, but simply by taking responsibility for our own lives, admitting that we are sinners and want to accept that Jesus is the only way to be forgiven of that sin. Once you have made this confession, unfortunately, this will not mean that your life will suddenly turn out perfect. As a minister in my youth once put it, “Watermelon still has seeds ...”
Clearly, this is not a subject that can be covered with any sort of competence in one blog post. I am no theologian, but I will be sharing my thoughts and what I have learned in the coming weeks and months. I hope we can all learn something from these posts.
In His Service,
Ron Stone