Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One of the very few things I've ever done that I was ashamed of myself

Reposting this from Hatfield's little corner of the WWW, a blog I used to maintain on Crosswalk.com, a part of the Faith Community Network and Salem Web Networks. I have considered sharing this HERE on my Blogspot blog for a while, and have felt lead to do so today. The blog was originally written August 5, 2005, so tag 5 years onto any date references...

First a tiny bit of background information: One of the biggest things I like to do online is play online interactive games more commonly refered to as "MUDs" (Multiple User Devices), these games are text based (no gee-wizzy graphics like video games) and share many elements of Role Playing Games. You solve mysteries, fight bad guys and you also chat with people from all over the globe, much like we do here on FCN/Crosswalk. [and on Facebook and Blogspot...]

Shortly after we'd moved here to our present home, but before we had our own personal computers, we would go online from our local public library. One afternoon I was surfing around and came across a page listing free games for people to play online. Having played as much Solitaire and read as much email as were available to me, I checked out the webpage of a game (won't give the full name, for I wish them no ill will) with the initials TF.

Their introduction stated that they were an online adventuring game, and invited the reader in to explore and see how well they could survive and thrive! I logged on (this was THE first place I used the name "Hatfield" which I still use to this day), and after finding my footing I was pretty much hooked. There were things to explore, and lots of people to talk to. I learned that the hosting computer for this game was actually over in England, and as a result, the majority of the game's players were also english. But they didn't seem to mind a couple of Yanks coming around once in a while. And so I invited my wife to join me there(for her, that was also the first time she used the screen name of Scarlett)

Between the two of us, we explored, we solved puzzles and we just generally had a ball. After we'd been there for a while (most of a year as I recall it) we had many people on the game that we considered friends. One of MY friends was a 26 year old woman who lived in the UK. She was having relationship issues with her then-fiance and would seek my counsel on what she was supposed to do. I would suggest things like counseling and maybe spending some time OFF the computers with him and so forth, but after a time nothing seemed to work out with them, and since they weren't married, they ended their relationship.

Having to pause to think for a moment, this is the first time I've spoken of this in a forum that wasn't specifically just between myself and someone specifically being addressed.

We would talk about her issues, and sometimes about my life. I didn't see myself as having any issues, but she encouraged me to speak when I had something on my mind.

This woman and I became closer and closer 'friends', to the point that I felt I needed to hide my feelings about HER from my wife Beth. This woman and I would correspond via email, or we'd visit while on this game (one advantage of her being 6 hours ahead of me, on days I was off work, she would be home AFTER work during her evening hours.) Our relationship developed to the point that while there were miles separating us, we were for all intents having an affair.

I'm not proud of it now, and if there were any way I could make that bit of time just go away, I would do it. It almost cost my wife and I our marriage.

Here on THIS side of the CRT, I had pretty much shut down emotionally. We would go to church, not because I wanted to worship the King of kings. I still felt that so long as I was married, that I needed to take care of my wife. She wanted to go to church, we went. At the end of every service, our pastor would give an altar call, every service, I would remain seated but Beth would go forward to pray for us.

After a time, the woman in England ended our 'relationship' because she'd met someone locally, and to be frankly honest about it, her new boyfriend was THERE, and I was HERE...with very little chance of getting over THERE any time soon. I cried.

A few months later I started the same cycle all over again, THIS time with a woman in California. Same stuff, different place...But Beth KEPT praying for me. Almost another full year later, as I was being the dutiful husband yet again, we were in Church, Beth was at the altar praying for me--her worthless no-good cheating husband, and I was just sitting in my seat.

A voice spoke in my ear. I looked around, but there was no one standing close enough to have spoken this clearly.

You have not loved Me as you've loved your self,
and you have not honored your marriage as I have commanded you to do.

I knew I still had issues, but it was as if the scales fell from my eyes and I understood not only what I had been doing wrong, but I understood how it was crushing my wife's heart. I broke down in tears like I have never cried before. Snot all down the face, scarlet red cheeks--only holding back the hollering by a force of will crying. I walked up beside Beth at the rail, and knelt beside her, and begged her to forgive me for the garbage I'd put her through. She held me in her arms while I cried, adding her tears to my own.

We agreed that we needed to seek counseling with a Christian counselor. And we attended sessions with a wonderful man for the better part of 6 months. At the time however, our finances were a bit tight and we almost wound up losing our house! So we had to stop counseling, but I think we got the basic message that we needed...that's been almost 5 years ago I think. And I thank God for my Beth every day!

To you dear reader,
If you and your spouse are having troubles, even if you're NOT having the same sort of experience we had, seek counseling; preferably with a Christian Counselor (your pastor/minister/priest should be able to refer you to someone in your area) Marriage is like a garden. When the weeds come--and trust me they will-- you don't till the whole garden under, you pull the weeds. Work with your spouse. Pray for them daily and even when you might not feel like it, tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them. The time will come when you WILL mean it, and you WILL feel like it.

I will hold you in my prayers.