Friday, November 28, 2008


I am saddened to report that at the beginning of what should be the most joyous time of the year, the time when we celebrate the birth of our God and King, Jesus, that holiday shoppers have let their personal greed far outstrip the true reason for the season. The New York Times reports in an article today that in a Nassau county Wal*Mart, an employee was trampled to death by "Black Friday" shoppers so intent on their need to buy that new gizmo to put under the Christmas tree, that they apparently didn't even realize that they had killed a man.

Also in Southern California, two men in a Toys "R" Us store shot and killed each other. As per the time I write this I'm unsure if this was a dispute over some toy, or gang related violence in the middle of a very busy and crowded store. (Police had yet to comment, pending notification of the families)

In any event, working in retail myself, sadly these stories do not surprise me. They do however sadden me deeply. If I owned a store of any size and had a thought that this sort of thing could happen, I wouldn't care if it meant the end of my business, I would sooner stay closed than allow the possibility of something like this happening.

With so much of society seeming to focus on NOT mentioning Christmas during the holidays (many stores forbid their employees to say "Merry Christmas", instead having them wish shoppers "Happy Holidays") maybe we need to put the focus back on Christ in Christmas.

I don't mean for this to sound heartless, but can you imagine the scene?
Mommy says "Look Johnny! Daddy got you a Nintendo Wii for Christmas!"
Johnny says "Wonderful Mommy! Umm, Mommy, where IS Daddy?"
Mommy says "I'm sorry Johnny, but when Daddy went to buy you your Wii, he killed a man and is now facing a trial for Manslaughter. But he wanted me to tell you that no one kept him from getting you your Wii!"

Where do we draw the line? When does it end? Do people honestly believe that someone will love them more just because they buy them expensive gifts?

Jesus showed his love for his disciples, and he never so much as bought them a tunic. Yes, he showed his love ultimately by dying on the Cross for us, but he also showed his love daily. Caring for his friends, teaching them, being there for them in times of trouble and just simply listening to them.

My friends, I beseech you; before you go charging into the retail fray this year and trample anyone or anything in your path on your way to get that ... whatever your after, take a breath. If you don't get that prized item, try to remember, it is not the presents that you give at Christmas that matters. It is your presence in the lives of your family and friends that matters.

And remember, the retail employee who's life you save, could be ME.

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