Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not even sure what title to give this ...

Where do I begin?

Okay, I didn't watch all of the Oscars the other night. But part of what I did see I really need to comment on.

For those who saw even less of what I saw of the Oscars, actor Sean Penn accepted the Best Actor award for portrayal of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician in California. During his acceptance speech, Mr. Penn commented about a group of protesters who were outside the ceremony protesting Hollywood's portrayal of homosexuals in films such as Milk. Mr. Penn seemed to verbally shake his fist at Christians as if to tell us that whether we liked it or not, homosexuals were going to get equal recognition under the law.

Speaking only from my own perspective, I have never had an issue with homosexuals expecting equal rights (as far as things like health coverage from employers, insurance rates ... whatever). As citizens of the United States (or other countries as far as their laws will allow), they deserve things like knowing that those they care about are taken care of if they need to be.


(and here I am trying to think carefully before I type; I know what I will say is likely to offend someone, but I wish to make it as LEAST offensive as possible. I just know that isn't likely to happen)

My views are from the Christian Right (in this case 'right' referring to conservative beliefs, not that I think we're correct about everything). Contrary to what the protesters outside the Oscars may have said, God loves everyone. Christians, Jews, Muslims, and yes, Homosexuals. God doesn't hate anybody. He hates the sin we all have in our lives. But no matter how you try to sugar coat it, no matter how you try to make it seem like something that it is not, homosexuality goes against everything we as Christians are expected to hold dear.

Human sexuality, within the relationship of a heterosexual marriage is one of the most beautiful expressions of God's love for us. But outside of that relationship whether it is a heterosexual couple who are not married, or it is a homosexual couple, there's no other way to say it: That relationship is sin in God's eyes.

I don't hate homosexuals. Three men whom I respect and love as brothers are very open about their preferences. They are gay. This doesn't mean that I love them any less. It does mean that I am very sad. When I've tried to speak to any of them, the general response is along the lines of "Well that's fine for you. But this is what's right for me." The problem is, its not an issue of it being right or wrong for US. Its what is right or wrong for God.

These three are not the only gay men I know. These three are simply the only three that I would consider friends. Or more to the point, friends who's opinions I care about. One of them is a supervisor in my workplace. He's a fun goofy man, a HUGE "Trekkie" and just the type of person that no matter your orientation, he's just easy to get along with.

The other two were in a committed relationship with each other, but because the state where they live does not recognize homosexual unions, as far as the state was concerned, they were just roommates sharing a house. I'll call them "T" and "J". Together, T and J owned a small business. T was the more somber quiet sort. If he liked you, he could talk your ear off. But otherwise he could be very business like. J was the more flamboyant 'stereotype'. Used expansive gestures, spoke with a lilt to his voice. Sadly, I found out from my Mother a couple of years ago that J, who had contracted HIV several years prior had died from complications of HIV/AIDS. T wound up losing the house they had purchased together, because the state didn't recognize their relationship and so gave proceeds for J's insurances to his blood family.

There are those among the Christian community who do not want ANY sort of recognition by the state for any sort of homosexual union. While I do agree that MARRIAGE is a union that is reserved for ONE man and ONE woman. I believe that marriage was not intended to be an institution of the state for the disposition of financial rights and familial responsibilities. Marriage is a union set for by God for the raising of children and sharing the loving relationship between a man and woman that most closely models God's relationship with US, his children.

I myself would have no problems if gay couples had (for lack of a better description) a civil union. A contract recognized by the state which would allow for things like the distribution of properties or the imparting of things like Powers of Attorney in legal affairs. I mean, given my "druthers", I don't see the need for it. Legally, you can empower whomever you choose to handle your legal affairs, even a stranger you meet on the street outside your lawyer's office. For things like distribution of properties (like the example of T and J's house) its a simple matter of having the purchase agreement list both names and have it stipulated in your "Will" how you wish for such issues to be handled.

I do not hold with the idea that some people are just "born that way." I have friends who were abused as children. Statistics tell us that abused kids will more likely grow up to become abusers themselves. That doesn't mean that they have no choice. There are options for those in the homosexual lifestyle if they choose to leave that life. Exodus International helps thousands leave that lifestyle. There are choices.

God does not hate Gays. God does not hate Lesbians. God does not hate heterosexuals-who-don't-do-what-HE-leads-us-to-do. God loves all of us. He wants ALL of us to live our lives following Him. But we keep trying to pick and choose how we're going to do that. But we can't do that. Its His way, or not at all.

Sadly, many will choose not at all.

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