Sunday, March 04, 2007

Long time no post ...

Well friends, it has been a while since I've been able to log onto here. Partly it was life doing what life does, partly it was the fact that well ... I'd forgotten that I even had this account set up! But now I find out that blogspot (now is affiliated with Gmail, and I can access my account through my email (cool beans for me!).

Sadly during my abscence, I've discovered that just restricting posts to registered members hasn't really helped the issue of eliminating unwanted comment posts. Because of this, I have needed to enable comment moderation as well as word verification. This means that not only will I have to approve comments, but the poster will need to enter a word they see on their screen onto a line. For those whom are my friends, I will ask your forgiveness. However, for the spammers and automated random posters ... too bad.

I started this blog, not only to have a place to discuss mud gaming (a fun hobby of mine) but as a ministry resource for those who mud.

Sad news to report since last I posted. Lion of Judah is now defunct. Lance, the host, tried to convert the game over to a MUSH based gaming system, but after attendance dropped to ~0~ for several months, the game was allowed to die a quiet death. So, to my knowledge, at the present time Ark of the Covenant (AotC) is the only Christian MUD game.

On other bad news, several members of AotC's staff have decided to retire their positions with that game, some at least in part because of disagreements with the host of the game, Kal. While I have been made aware of some of the issues, in respect for those involved I will only state that it is a disagreement in part over theological differences (and how one views others in light of those differences).

I am given to understand by one of the recent "retirees" that there is possibly another MUD in the planning stages, more on that as I find out information!

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