Welcome to:
--"Ark of the Covenant" Beta 2.6l -
Based on ROM Version 2.4b4a Beta
Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
.========. Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. .========.
// ,".`' \ Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, // '.`". \
|| | Furey, and Kahn || |
|| I .'..' | Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams || VI.'.,".|
|| II .'..'| Quest Code (c) re-written by Intense || VII..'..|
|| III`.'."| ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor || VIII,'.'|
|| IV ,','.| AotC MUD (c) 1998-2006 AotC Ministries. || IX.'".'.|
|| V '..'.'| AotC is a creative co-operative ministry of || X .'..',|
.\_________/ Intense, Kal, and Nyxll. .\_________/
By what name do you wish to be known?
(had to do a little html edit and use preformating tags so that would look right...
This is the screen that you would sign in on from AotC. The two drawings of the tablets of the 10 Commandments is what is called an ascii drawing. The gobbledy-gook in the middle is information on what particular kind of mud AotC is and credits for the people who worked toward making it what it is today, including AotC's founders, Intense, Kal, and Nyxll.
Once you create a character (pretty much like logging in for the first time onto a chat site, except you get to choose things like a weapon and what race you are.
Here's an example of a "room" you would find on AotC:
A Beautiful Sanctuary
There are no windows inside, but a lamp on a table on the eastern wall
lights the temple. A strong aura of protective power and holiness permeates
the air of this holy place. The flames from a roaring fire send shadows
flickering over the priest and the golden carvings in the walls. The quiet
movements of the priest echo around the space, mingling with the low murmur
of his constant prayer. In the middle of the room there is a donation pit
for the needy, and halfway along the length of the temple is a golden
curtain rail with a rich, purple curtain hanging from each side. It looks
as if the two curtains were once one, and were ripped apart. At the far end
of the room, there is an altar made of twelve stones.
[Exits: north south west up]
A pit for donations is in front of the altar.
(Golden Aura) (White Aura) A priest stands here praying for the recovery of Old Zion.
If you type LOOK CURTAIN, you will see a seperate description of what the "curtain" in the room looks like. The screen also shows your directions you can move in the bracketed box labeled "Exits". The priest that you see is what is called a mob, it is a program representing a part of the game that you can interact with. In this case, if you've been running around fighting nasty critters (other mobs), the priest will heal your wounds. Sadly, there are no "HMOs"...so you'll have to pay him for his services.
I could fill pages with what you could do with even just a few flicks of your fingers, but I would much rather just invite you to come join me some time and let you experience it for yourself.
Hey Hatfield. I played AotC for a while and was looking around for it recently. I guess it and all the other Christian MUDS are now defunct. I've decided to build one. I've toyed with this many times in the past. I've got a circle based MUD up and running on a machine local to my network and already have begun coding enhancements. If you are interested, just reply to the comment. I'll keep an eye out to see if you respond. I'll make the thing public if you are interested in doing something and pass along the connect info.
God bless.
Hey Hatfield. I played AotC for a while and was looking around for it recently. I guess it and all the other Christian MUDS are now defunct. I've decided to build one. I've toyed with this many times in the past. I've got a circle based MUD up and running on a machine local to my network and already have begun coding enhancements. If you are interested, just reply to the comment. I'll keep an eye out to see if you respond. I'll make the thing public if you are interested in doing something and pass along the connect info.
God bless.
First off, thanks for stopping by. As you have discovered, AotC is offline at least for the presently foreseeable future. You can check HERE for more information; long and short of which is: Due to nothing we were doing, someone who was a client of our network administrator was using their account for illegal purposes. Having been caught at it, the FBI confiscated ALL of our network's hardware, including the server AotC was housed on. The rightful owner of the machines (a company called InverseOps) has since gone out of business. Our game software is still accessible, but in order for it to be playable, we (AotC's admins) need to get the coding from them, find a new home AND get everything back up and running.
As Kal and Intense (two of the three founders who were still there at the end) are pretty much of the opinion that AotC is a closed door, it doesn't look likely that they will make the effort to revive the game.
That being said, Geneva, Galen and a phalanx of other former staffers are in the process of also building a brand new game from the ground up. While a playable Rom game is up presently, it is more a place keeper than anything. Moderately sure they are not listed on TMC, but you can access their message boards (and info on where they are) at http://www.agapemud.org/boards .
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