Monday, March 05, 2007

What exactly is a MUD anyway?

Many of you whom I will invite here already know the answer to this question. But for those of you maybe that do not, a "MUD" is a Multiple User Device, or a Multiple User Dungeon. In a nutshell, its a Role Playing Game (RPG), played online.

Many of you might be familiar with online games like World of Warcraft or Doom. MUDs are similar, except they don't have all the gee-wizzy graphics. You are reading text on a screen and interacting with other people online and mobile programs (commonly called mobs). You are fighting dragons, solving puzzles, doing what are often called "quests" or "adventures".

For the most part, MUDs have a bad reputation in the Christian community, and for the most part, I hate to admit it, but that reputation is pretty much earned. The website The Mud Connector lists several thousand of these games in their database, and of these, an extremely dismal one claims to be a Christian game. (see previous post about Ark of the Covenant)

At the time I started the Fellowship Hall here, there had actually been four Christian MUDs. Ark of the Covenant was in the company of Lion of Judah, Jacob's Ladder, and Judgement MUD. It is my hope that in the future, I shall have the chance to tell you about other Christian MUDs. But until then, I shall share more of what I know about this slightly quirky game that I have come to know and really enjoy.

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